![]() 12/03/2013 at 11:36 • Filed to: question, smoking, car maintenance | ![]() | ![]() |
This morning, on my way to work, I was walking from the metro to my office smoking my second cigarette of the day and I saw the driver of a brand new 2013 STI smoking in his car. It clicked to me, why would you smoke in your car, let alone a "special" car per se. I've seen drivers smoke on a daily basis in a 911, Mercedes SL, Ferrari 458 Italia amongst a slew of other notable cars.
As a pack a day smoker for the past four months, I understand that you need your rush but why would you smoke in your (a) car?
I've smoked for about a year and went from a "weekend" smoker to a regular smoker, but I've never lit up in a car and usually avoid smoking within 10 minutes of sitting in a car.
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I smoke (cigars) in my car regularly. I accept the deleterious effects of it. Driving and smoking is one of the things I enjoy doing, especially on long trips.
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To avoid any legal stigma, I'd like to note I am well above the legal age to smoke in my province.
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Don't do it.
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When I was a smoker (8 years clean) smoking in my car was one of my greatest pleasures. It was second to drinking as the things that made it hardest to quit.
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It's the same reason why people keep trash in their car or eat messy food in there that they just don't clean up: lack of caring.
It breaks my head. Also, it smells TERRIBLE.
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I don't smoke (family has a horrible history of cancer already, don't need to tempt fate) but my bro does, he also smokes in his car. He says that it's relaxing.
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It's what keeps me coming back.
I can deal without smoking while drinking - it seems to bring the drunk on faster, and I would rather just stay tipsy. Smoking in the car though; the only way to get through the commute.
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Former Smoker here, NO. Nothing is smoked in my car, my friends who do won't ride in my car because they can't, so we have to go in their cars, where that tar coats every thing.
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I think a lot of those people don't view their cars as special, just status symbols, and don't care about any potential effect it has on resale.
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I was behind an Accord and a CTS this morning, enjoying my rapidly warming car blowing increasingly hot air in my face, when from one of the vehicles ahead of me came the acrid stench of cigarette smoke. Ugh. Grew up around it, don't do it myself, can't stand the smell of it.
Sort of related.
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One of the events that made me quit for good was lighting a dread on fire with my zippo on the way to a party. I shaved the dreads and quit smoking for awhile after that. The smoking came back but I've kept the hair short since.
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I've tried to quit on multiple occasions and it's always drinking that pulls me right back into it as well. I've been told, you have to quit drinking to quit smoking in these cases.
Anyways, I guess you have a valid point. I know the exact feeling, but with alcohol instead of driving.
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Cigars are a bit different in my opinion. I'm a pretty heavy cigar smoker (2 a week or more), but I find the after scent is far different than cigarettes?
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Valid point. It's a big reason why I and most smokers do smoke, it relaxes you.
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If I smoked still I'd smoke in my car because it is MY car.
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There are smokers, and there are smokers.
Smokers don't smoke in their homes or cars.
Smokers smoke everywhere.
We have some friends are smoke everywhere. Cars, home, etc.. Ashes all over their cars, and their house permanently smells like smoke.
Whenever we go stay at their beach house with their family it's like The Marlboro Man and Virginia Slim rode a Basic Camel named Winston all the way from Salem through the house.
They smoke when they cook, smoke when they eat, and smoke when they are in the bathroom. It's amazing how many ashtrays they have.
YMMV, but I have noticed this with the people I know.
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I suspect you just reached middle management.
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It's so sad to see. The worst that I've seen was a Ford GT with two guys smoking cigarette after cigarette in it. It's already a unicorn in a sense.
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My thoughts exactly.
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I didn't realize that but it's true.
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Haha, I've lit my pocket on fire a couple times but dreads! Ouch!
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All I can say is...STOP throwing the shit out of your windows where you're done smoking it. Damn litterers.
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I only lost one, did not crash and still smoked that cigarette. It went fast I'm not sure how I didn't lose them all and/or smell like burnt hair at the party all night.
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I don't smoke. To be honest, I hate the smell and I think that people that smoke around others that don't smoke are a bit rude (some people smoke around me on purpose because of this). I don't let people smoke in my car, and I wouldn't buy a car that belonged to a heavy smoker. It shows a lack of respect for their car and their environment.
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I smoke a cigar nearly every day in my truck. I've never smoked cigarettes. I have a truck with rubber floors, and it seems to hold the smell less. If I go a week or so without one, it almost goes away.
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No one ever smokes in my car. EVER. I don't have cigarette lighters and if you try to light up I will stop the car and ask you to remove yourself from the car. The same goes for people putting their feet on the dash, out the window, on the center console, people who eats or try to drink anything other than water in my car. It is not only my car but also a rare car with a rare interior option and if you can't respect my rules then you can get the fuck out.
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I grew up around it as well and I can't stand the smell. I also can't stand the smell of weed due to some traumatic experiences as a teenager.
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On the highway or any continuous speed road with a window opened seems to work. I used to smoke cigarettes and this worked for me. Short jaunts, who needs to smoke.
I see people smoking in their cars with all the windows up. Gag!
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Props to someone who really cares about their car. Pride of ownership seems to be going down these days.
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I am a half pack a day smoker and the first cigarette for me is when I'm driving to work in the morning, I turn the air off, roll down both windows and hold it out the window, once done I leave the windows down for a good 5 minutes to air out my car. That's the only time during the day I actually smoke in it and I'm OCD when it comes to my car being clean, I have it detailed once every two weeks (or when needed since I work on a military base and there can be mud everywhere at times I swear) I don't see an issue with it ias long as you go above and beyond to clean up the odor/mess it can create.
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If you don't have nicotine stains dripping down the wall, your really not serious about smoking. Yech.
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Weed I don't mind. Spent a lot of time working with stoners, getting contact buzzes in the pit of the quick lube. I don't and won't smoke, but.... what was I saying?
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I used to smoke in all my cars. My first two were hooptys so smoking in them wasn't a huge deal, especially in my Altima. That almost changed when I bought my 2010 Focus. I made it maybe a month before lighting one up on a cold morning while running late for work.
Since I bought the Dart I have yet to smoke a cigarette in it and I plan to keep it that way.
As a car guy and a detailer, I don't particularly like smoking in my cars. I know that it can ruin the interior and it's hard to get rid of that smell but to answer your question, I did it for the convenience of it. Now that it's getting colder it'd be easy to give in to the temptation in the Dart but I'm concerned about resale with this one.
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I grew up in an automotive family so I was taught that your car was a reflection of yourself.
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I find that the case to be with anything. If you own it, you take care of it. If you're borrowing it you respect it.
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Good luck sticking to not smoking in the Dart. I'm curious, as a detailer I assume you see a lot of smoked-in-cars. What exactly happens to the interior?
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As a cigar smoker, there are not a lot of places to comfortably sit for a half hour or longer in peace.
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And they just sawed the tip off its horn...
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It just makes it much harder to keep clean. Over time it can yellow plastics and fabrics, but the obvious issue is burn marks. Be as careful as you want but they're bound to happen especially if you let passengers smoke too, which how can you not when you already smoke in it.
The smoke gets the windows dirtier and more quickly. It leaves a residue on all the other surfaces meaning you have to clean it more often. The ashes get everywhere, especially into the vents and onyo the rear shelf.
I'd rather not deal with that in the Dart. I'm pretty anal about keeping it clean so far, as it's my first new car that is actually worth keeping nice. The Focus was just a Focus.
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I can't smoke when I'm not drinking, I rarely do when I do drink. On very rare occasions when someone offers me one I will. But ever since Michigan outlawed smoking in bars I haven't been around smokers, haha. They go outside, I go wander the bar or sit at the bar and enjoy my drink while they catch pneumonia.
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Good point. Fortunately I live in a city with some calm cigar lounges. Unfortunately they cost an arm and a leg for a drink but it's calm.
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When I smoked and drove a Miata, I would smoke in it with the top down. I loooooooooved smoking in that car with the top down. Love. But top down meant no smoke smell in the car.
The perfect solution to the nicotine craving + closed vehicle problem is an e-cig. You get your fix plus no stank in the car.
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That sounds rather disgusting!
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The answer is always Miata!
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The convenience isn't worth it in the long run. Not smoking in your car can probably make it easier to quit too.
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You can do anything in my Kia or mazda, but if you try to smoke in my CLS, i'll drop you out in the nearest side of the road.
I've driving 2 Smoke-Free Mercedes in my life, and i don't want to ruin it. But smoking in a car is acceptable tough, as long as that's not one of my merc.
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It's weird to see the responses on here: Opponauts are generally so fixated on taking care of their cars and not being bad to them, yet so many of them are pro-smoking the shit out of their cars! Weird.
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I imagine most people who smoke in their cars have slushboxes.
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I vowed to quit smoking when I got a new car to help pay for it. When I got my Camaro, I never smoked it it and I quit like 2 months later.
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How to quit smoking? Buy a Camero! I love it hahaha.
I think that may become my inspiration to quit. I haven't owned a car for a while since owning a car in this city is a waste due to good public transport and destructive to the car (bumper love taps, salt, and fender benders are appreciated...)
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I agree that it's bizzare. It's kind of a shock. I have and plan on never smoking in a car or a residential building.
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I usually frown and shake my head when I see it, but a few weeks ago in Palm Springs I saw an old guy driving an Azure with the top down and smoking a cigar the size of an ear of corn, and I thought, 'you sir, are doing it correctly'.
In other news, I had a buddy who lit up without me seeing while we were walking back to my M3 after a concert. I made him walk three laps around the block to air out before I let him in.
![]() 12/04/2013 at 08:26 |
I live in the midwest and they are 5-6 bucks a pack. I was smoking a pack a day or more.
I figured it was $168 a month and that was on the light side, that's half a car payment. The other deciding factor was that my then current car was a 94 Eldorado that was getting 21 mpg and the Camaro would get 27 ( I avg 25-27) and since I drive 110 miles a day it would almost make up most of the other half of a car payment which it mostly does. After all that it was an easy decision. I did however use Chantix to help and it worked.
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I smoke most when I drive, but I smoke with my left hand and always have my window open, as well as blow to the left when I exhale. However, I do not ever plan on selling my Audi, so what do I care if it has a bit of cigarette smoke smell? It's my car, my personal property, and my personal space.